Moraira Spain info

Moraira: This used to be a sleepy little fishing village with great views across to El Peñon de Ifach. This is the big rock that belongs to Calpe but everyone can enjoy the views as well. The areas sole income used to come from the fishing industry, but these days it’s tourism that bring in the money. Don’t get me wrong, they still fish here. As a matter of fact there is a fish auction at the market every day in the port area of La Lonja, except Sunday. If you want to buy some fish, be there by 10:00 am for the auction start time. The other option is to visit one of the many fish restaurants that can be found overlooking the small port. There are also other types of restaurants that serve up interesting selections of home cooked authentic dishes. Just venture over to Calle del Doctor Calatayud and be tempted by the aromas coming from the buildings. If you want authentic Spanish fare then the town square is the place to be, as Spanish cuisine at its best is available here in abundance. If you need to shop, there is a weekly market every Friday. If that is not enough in the next town of Teulada there is a market every Wednesday. Teulada is actually the old town of Moraira and located here is the Santa Catalina Church and the Divina Pastora Chapel, all worth a trip. The Moraira area is very popular with Ex-pats and there is always a selection of Spanish Villas, Apartments, Village and Townhouses for Sale. It is also a popular Spanish Holiday area and there are Villas and Apartments to rent.
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